Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tamarack in the alder


Can a tree be a wolf? Yes, when it is a wolf tree!

Ontario Extension Note on terms talks about a tree that has a large crown.

I noticed this Tamarack that I have been looking at for a month from a distance. I finally went for the short walk through alder and raspberries to the base of the tree.

What a large, narly tree. It is a wolf tree! It stands by itself, towering over all the shrubs and plants that grow in low wet areas.

The tree is 201.2 cm circumference and 64.0 cm diameter. There is another Tamarack in the list but this tree is bigger. I think we will keep the top 2 of each species as the list grows.

We still require a couple of representatives, keep your eyes open for us.

More pictures of this tree and other can be seen here.

Biggest Balsam Poplar in Timmins Area

Balsam Poplar added to the Timmins Honour Role of Trees.

I have added a large, old Balsam poplar to the website that has all the large trees in the Timmins Area.

This tree is 210.3 cm circumference and 66.9 cm diameter measured at 1.3 meters above the ground (commonly known as breast height).

The Ontario Honour Roll of Trees is up again. Take a look. 2 trees on the Timmins list are bigger then the Ontario giant. I will need to get the height of the trees to see how they stack up points wise.

We are still looking for the biggest White birch, Black spruce, Balsam fir and Red maple. I will find a representative before the end of the summer. If you can help please let me know!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Red Toad, American Toad

Toads can be RED - read about them now.

I first heard about red toads at Kettle Lakes Provincial Park, when a young lad asked the biologist "what toad is red?".

A couple of days later I again heard from a person who asked me what toad is red. I did not know, I have never seen one.

Well today in the bush a co-worker says "look how red that toad is, I have never seen one like that!"

It is red, brick red the documentation describes.

It is just a colour phase of a young American Toad.

Frog Watch wants to know what frogs and toads you see. Check out frog watch if you are interested.

Always any unusual species you see near Timmins we want to know about it. You can see what interesting observations have been seen at Observations Naturally.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Varved Clay today on the road

A Glacier was here, and I saw the art that it left behind. map

Varved clay is an accumulation in proglacial lakes of yearly-couplets of lacustrine beds called varves: during the summer, silt (light gray in color) settles and accumulates and in the winter, when the lake is ice bound (frozen over), clay-sized material (dark gray in color) settles and accumulates.

I was first introduced to varved clay when I was kayaking on the Fredrickhouse Lake map.
There is an eroding shoreline that is stripped with different soil layers and colours. When I got home and did some reading I discovered varved clays.

Later I would work for Ontario Parks and find out the location I had been looking at was actually a non-operating Provincial Park. Fredrick House L. Provincial Nature Reserve March 1985. map

Here is a very interesting paper by the National Research Council Canada. December 1954 some
of our tax money produced a paper called "A Laboratory Study of Varved Clay from Steep Rock Lake". I am guessing it is this lake north of Atikokan, Ontario.

You can see information on the Steep Rock Lake Mining and see a picture of the lake with no water in it here.

Monday, August 2, 2010

White Pine Falls in the Forest

My White pine has fallen, my White pine has fallen!!

This White pine was the first tree on the Timmins Honour Roll of Trees, and was the first geocache I had created.

I first met this tree a couple of years ago when we were working in the area. There were a few surprises in the area, like the 400 year old white ceder and the yellow birch stand.